Welcome to DHS Creative Gallery
with Ms. Steuart!

This website hosts a great assortment of games, animations, and web site designs created by students in Ms. Steuart's Animated Game Design
and IS Web Development class.
Be sure to also check out the awards students have won in all our competitions along with future web designers!
This website hosts a great assortment of games, animations, and web site designs created by students in Ms. Steuart's Animated Game Design
and IS Web Development class.
Be sure to also check out the awards students have won in all our competitions along with future web designers!
Game Design
The course of Video Game Design will introduce students to the PC Video Game Design Industry and the basic components and processes required to produce an interactive video game. Students will be a game designer and a programmer. Students will learn game theory, concept development, character creation, writing, 2D modeling, 2D Art mechanics, programming, and leveling. Students will problem solve and collaborate without the year. Animation
This course will focus on the 2D basic principles of art animation and history of animation. The student will develop drawing skills with basic shapes and forms, still life objects, figures, facial, body expression, and animal body gestures. Animation assignments will include character development, basic movement studies, traditional animation processes and an introduction to digital graphic applications. The second semester students will learn 3D modeling. Students will problem solve and collaborate without the year. Web Design/Information Systems
This course is a cohort with Reedley College under the IS Department. This is a dual enrollment cohort, students upon completion with have a Reedley and DHS Pathway completion. This course provides a hands-on introduction to the Internet and World Wide Web. The course includes the hypertext markup language (HTML), the use of web page editors, creating Web pages, hardware and software setup requirements, the use of the Internet for research and business, ethical and security issues. Much in the Information Systems industry requires a great deal of attention to detail and critical thinking skills to succeed, therefore much in this course will require you to demonstrate attention to detail and the ability to read and understand instructions. |
TigerRomp is a local competition. This event is a combine effort of VROP and Reedley College. Students in high schools in our surrounding area compete to win medals. We compete in:
SkillsUSA is a national nonprofit organization serving middle school, high school, and college students who are preparing for careers in trade, technical and skilled service occupations. SkillsUSA is a partnership of students, teachers, and industry working together to ensure America has a skilled workforce. SkillsUSA is an applied method of instruction for preparing America’s high-performance workers for public career and technical programs. We provide quality education experiences for students in leadership, teamwork, citizenship, and character development. We build and reinforce self-confidence, work attitudes and communications skills. The student competitions for Regional, State, & National are:
Career Skills Challenge
Each year, approximately 1,300 high school students participate in the Career Skills Challenge held on the Fresno City College campus. The Career Skills Challenge provides recognition and encouragement to high school students for their accomplishments in career skills, improves participation in educational programs, and encourages public support of career technical education. This competition is hosted by Fresno ROP and Fresno City College. We compete in Web Design & Development and Media - Animation. Tulare / Kings College and Career Expo
The College and Career EXPO provides students the opportunity to compete in college and career-oriented competitions, spend time on a college campus, and be recognized for achievements in their chosen field of study. College and Career EXPO builds upon the momentum that students and schools are creating in college and career awareness, exploration, and preparation. The event is open to all students in academies or pathways, and is also a unique opportunity to encourage the business community to support local schools and encourage students to consider their futures. This competition is hosted by Tulare Office of Education and College of the Sequoias. We compete in Game Design. DHS Wall of Fame
Since Covid-19, our class established a competition just within the Animation and Game Design classes, since we were not able to compete. Since then, we continue this new tradition every year for all AGD classes. Most students are automatically entered into the competition. We have distant game designers and UX experts, local DHS staff, Fresno State Students and Staff, and former AGD students that help judge the games and animations. The top 3 winners get their Game / Animation Title and along with their names on a plaque in the classroom - Wall of Fame |
Debbie Steuart Dinuba High School 940 W Kamm Ave. Dinuba, CA 93618 dsteuart@dinuba.k12.ca.us